Monday, December 13, 2010

More from Artfacts 1400: Enve & Hox

Enve Animal Kingdom........

HOX-Goin Nuckin Futs!!......

Photo Courtesy of Peter Vahan

Photo Courtesy of Peter Vahan

....Still need more finished and detail photos of Hox'x Wall and Hest's Wall....Post em if you gotem!!!


Richard Nixon said...

Sorry about the pre-mature ejactulation on the last post... sometimes I get a little excited when i do a flickr search...

Re-post the finished flicks, really love that wall.

Nice to see the young homie 19 paying tribute to a king that laid his life down for this sport & this crew..

also dope to see enve keeping ynots spirit alive in that piece, an amazing combo with the enve / ynot collabo...

msg been around along time now...

different homies thru the years have carried the crew, i salute all the homies still reppin msg keeping our rich history alive the streets...

abs, enve, arive, 19, quake, hox, hest, and anyone else putting in work i didnt mention, i love all you guys, no homo, keep doing it big for the crew...

your work inspires others to paint, thats what keeps it going, we feed off each other...

after the holidays pass, xmas n new years, we all need to get together again, the whole crew, re-group for 2011...

MSG for Life!

ARIVE said...

REGROUPING sounds like a great idea... what are the HATERS going to do then?

Oh yeah, i think RETIREMENT is the word i was looking for...

ARIVE said...

BTW... Thanks you ENVE for posting the ANIMAL KINGDOM wall along with HOX spiralgraphizm... i absolutely love it!

I mean that OBJECTIVELY, and not because were crew.

Anonymous said...

That shit is fire, showing all the different styles MSG can produce. Can't wait to see more murals. Mural Style Goons. Nice Photos Peter.

Need more MSG?

Click "OLDER POSTS" over there on the right side puto!