Friday, September 11, 2009



Anonymous said...

Dope, this post has a unique quality to it. Any fliks of the pieces together

SixShot said...

i like that negro....that e is freshhhh

redCRAYON said...

no sorry. no flicks of it together :(

i told negz the same thing, i LOVED That E lol.

Anonymous said...

That negro is tight but i think maybe a lower case 'r' would have been better....also, what do the oriental letters say? and in what looks fresh!

not hatin just constructive crit.

Anonymous said...


Richard Nixon said...

that wall looks like a nice spot... carol city needs more MSG, nice work Negz.

redCRAYON said...

we got something in the works soon ;)

Anonymous said...

an Asian friend of mine translated the Chinese letters and it seems that they say "Wendy"

NEGZuno said...

Yes! The "Asian" lettereing does say Wendy. That's my woman. She's half Vietnamese I found a website that translates. You'll see more like this. Just wanna be different, you know. This is my spot in CC. Gotta rep for my old hood. Whutup Doper!

NEGZuno said...

To the guy who mentioned the R . . . yeah a lowercase r would have been nice, but the capital R represents how you have to stress the R when pronouncing my name. Even though I'm not latin/hispanic I pronounce it how it was given to me. I hung out with a group of hispanics in high school, and I was the only black guy who they really hung out with. My homeboy MadBall from the hardcore group gave me that tag, and it stuck like glue . . . so I rolled with it. I little history for y'all that didn't know. Knowledge is knowledge.

Anonymous said...

You still r the only black guy,....and we luv u for that...yooze a mighty big neegro

dfect said...

Dang some cool info right there

keep it up, a nice change

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