Wednesday, September 23, 2009

GERE in Jersey Skate park "Garden Sk8"

As far as my adventures in the TRI-State area, I happen to fall upon one of the sickest skate parks I've ever been in. The sickest part is that it was filled with dope Graff!!!  We hit it off with the owner who happen to be superchill and a street art supporter. I got to paint with my up-north brethren ESN and Reams while waiting for Quake to be realeased!!!!! Character was a colabo with the homie Gore!!!!!   


Richard Nixon said...


ENVE said...

Dope.Big and Bold

El Corona said...

s'nice brah......--Q

SixShot said...

real official...that esn is pretty dope 2

Cyme said...

GERE ..big letters doin big things...

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