Sunday, May 10, 2009



Anonymous said...

Yo this shit right here.....defenders of the title...OB already holdin the trophy and erything....

Anonymous said...

yo this is sik but its sicker in person i went to the book release yo crome thanks for hittin up ma blak book

Anonymous said...

stay tuned for flicks-

Anonymous said...

yo is the book "miami graffiti" or "miami purty picture pages" you tell me, maybe i forgot what graffiti was.

Anonymous said...

whoever just said that is a moron, keep to yourself, or go back to bombing science with the comments please! I'm sure The book was never meant to publish EVERY SINGLE piece, tag and hollow ever done in South Florida nor was it intended to be full of whack shit, I'm glad theres pretty pictures in there.........

Special thanks to Jim and Karla for documenting the graffiti they saw and were shown on there trips down here in the past few years. Don't listen to the haters, and remember, all publicity is Good publicity.

Some people will never grow up.

Anonymous said...

that is indeed a pretty picture - good looks out to MSG!

Anonymous said...

^^well said, and whats funny is that if you look at graffiti books from around the world, half of them are full of legals also, because thats usually where the freshest and best work comes from. And when you look through the Miami book there are mad pics of penits and illegals also. Too many haters in south Florida, or maybe there arent enough skilled writers, so writers get jealous over the fame of the few talents down here.....I dunno, but you guys just keep doin your thing....stay on top of this game!

Anonymous said...

MSG runs the streets and the legal Prodo's.

and form the looks of it...Ran the TE jam too!

Anonymous said...

"maybe there arent enough skilled writers, so writers get jealous over the fame of the few talents down here....."

Too true


Anonymous said...

U welcomed man hope i tried to sign everyones book i could .i have tons of respct for young kids comin up in this graffiti shit keep it up .pain .paint paint outdoo Us its all about bein the best u can be in th army...obey mudda fuuga ..crome peace to everyone at the T.E jam shit was dope as usual..keep this bitch bangin

Anonymous said... says:

Artist - a person whose trade or profession requires a knowledge of design, drawing, painting, etc.: a commercial artist.

Writer - a person who writes or is able to write: a writer in script.

Woo Hoo! I'm a graffiti writer NOT a graffiti artist! Do the math!

Anonymous said...


You guys gotta put this one on a shirt too,
this is too fresh, I'll buy one.
Or posters for $10ish or less and I'll buy one too

Love the "ORANGE" thats an icon for FLORIDA

ATL Peaches, Miami Beaches, and FLA Orange for all ya leach'es


MSG said...

that sounds like a song...

Need more MSG?

Click "OLDER POSTS" over there on the right side puto!